Tell your girlfriends, your girlfriend's friends, and your girlfriend's moms about the ALL NEW O'NEAL 2015 model search! Tell the girl next door, alert your yoga instructor, the girls at the track and especially the girls with the extra deep spray on tan ... You get the picture, everyone should know. O'NEAL is looking for the finest female ever! The lucky winner gets to travel to LA for a photo shoot and be featured in O'NEAL Calendars and Advertisements as well as getting a nice chunk of CASH!

- You must provide 1 to 8 photos to be entered into the contest. 8 is better than 1.
- The photos must have been taken within the past 6 months.
- Images must be submitted in JPEG format and be under 500k.
- Group pictures are not accepted. You should be alone on the picture!
- Increase your chances of success by uploading body shots and headshots. Bikini shots are great because chances are you'll be wearing one in the O'Neal photo shoot.
- Unfortunately or fortunately (we haven't figured that out yet), there have been some nude photos submitted to our contest. We do appreciate your celebration of the First Amendment, but we cannot publish "birthday suit" photos on our web site.